For more information, please use the contact form below.
Missing Pet Registry
The purpose of the Registry is to assist in getting your pet back in case it gets lost in the neighborhood or immediate area.
If your pet is missing, please complete the Missing Pet Information Submittal below. We also recommend that you visit the Caddo Parish Lost Pet Information webpage located here.
If you would like us to also include a photo of your pet, please send it seperately as an attachment to:
And if you by chance find a runaway pet, please come here to see if the owners have posted a missing pet alert so that you can notify them. They will always be grateful for your help.
When your pet is found, please notify us so that we may remove your record.
Note! If you are viewing this page from a mobile device and would like to view the Reported Missing Pets, please click here.
Please complete the form below.
To send a photo, email separately as an attachment to
Missing Pet Information Submittal